Recent news and Upcoming Meetings:

ACCMS Webinar No.31 by Prof. Darwin Barayang Putungan, Physics Division, Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics, University of the Philippines Los Banos, was successfully held with 60 audience on 24th September, 2024.
Detailed explanation is in the flyer
"A guided first-principles calculations tour of hydrogen evolution reaction (HER): Bulk surface, 2D monolayer, and 2D van der Waals heterostructure"
Panelist:Dr. Do Van Nam, Associate Professor, Department of Basic Science, Phenikaa, Institute for Advanced Studies (PIAS), Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam

ACCMS main biannual conference ACCMS-11 will be held in Yokohama, Japan from 1st to 3rd June, 2025, fully on-site organized by ACCMS Global Research Centre headed by Professor Kaoru Ohno and Hannes Raebiger with the founder of ACCMS, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe. Please visit the following Web-site for details.

ACCMS theme meeting expected to be held in November, 2024 in Philippines is postponed to 2026 on-site headed by Professor Darwin Putungan.

List of Previous Meetings

List of Previous ACCMS Webinars

"Meeting time is short but our friendship is forever! We are working together again on the net. See you again soon."

It is our honor to announce that Prof. Michele Parrinello (ETH, Switzerland) and Prof. Kimihiko Hirao (RIKEN, Japan) accepted our invitation to be ACCMS honorory members.



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